
if motivation could come in a pill form...

i've been looking at the stuff that other ppl are making...
and i find that i keep asking myself why i don't do something...
i tell myself... and other ppl that i'm gonna do something...
i'll make something and i will try to sell it... and it may sell... and i will smile because that means that someone ELSE liked what i made... but i find myself staring blankly at my wall accomplishing nothing and just wishing that i had never gotten out of bed...
how come no one has ever thought to made motivation into a pill form... or inititive into a syrup... take a tablet or teaspoon a day and you won't feel the need to stay in bed because you're gonna do what you've set yourself out to do...
if they can put happiness in pill form... then why the hell not motivation!?
ok so the whole happiness in a pill is a total sham...
i'm hoping that this is the year that i pick myself up from my rut and be productive... do something with my spare time instead of watching tv shows on dvds to burn time away... or lie in bed waiting for... well... nothing really... i'm not waiting for anything... i just don't want to get out of my bed...

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