
oh how i wish i had my knitting with me!!!

so i've convinced fredrik to let me take apart the second scarf i knitted him...
he said that the wool was scratchy... ***shrug***
anyways... so now i have this fabulous black yarn... which i got from http://www.lettuceknit.com (in kensington)...
i think it's fleece artist... i can't remember now... i knitted the scarf back in november... he had left the scarf i knitted for him the christmas before last back home and was complaining about the cold so i decided to knit him an emergency scarf...
anyways... i was thinking that i'd knit myself a hat... since i didn't bring my big white russian hat with me... AND IT'S FECKIN' COLD AS HELL... no... COLDER THAN HELL in sweden...
i've knitted 1 hat before but it wasn't the most pleasant experience... i had to do it for knit wear class... didn't really have the knitting down yet and the whole knitting in a round was still new and scary...
i'm going to örebro with fredrik this weekend... it's like a 2.5-3 hour drive out... i figured that i'd be able to give the round knitting a few tries in that time...
wish me luck!!

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