
shopping online

I've been browsing various online yarn stores and as tempting as some of their yarns appear, I don't think I am ready for the online yarn shopping experience. I need to touch the yarn. I'm one of those people who go to a LYS, finger all the yarns (I wouldn't rub them on my neck, that's just rude.) and then walk out with a couple of skeins. It is very important for me to feel the yarn.

I used take a whole day to go fabric shopping. I would go to nearly ALL the stores on Queen St. W and end up with 1 or 2 fabric. But I would've touched almost a dozen fabrics at each store.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to be "unable" to shop for yarn online. My stash could be much bigger (not that it's an entirely bad thing) and I could be a lot more broke (THAT however, is a not so good thing).

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