
nothing... so much nothing...

My most sincere apologies for the lack of activities on this blog. I have simply not done very much at all. I don't really know what the matter is. I feel so bleh. :-P

I finished the secret project and mailed it off to my friends back in Canada. I hope they will be as delighted as I was when I finished it. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures because I was just in such a rush to pop them in a padded envelope and sent off.
I will reveal all secrets as soon as they receive the package.

Aside from the secret project, there has been no knitting, no crocheting, and no sewing of any sorts.

I did manage to get a storage solution towards my yarns. They no longer dwell inside cardboard boxes. I got these great plastic bins with lids from IKEA. I have even divide the yarns by content. I have 1 bin for wool, 1 for cotton and 1 for acrylic. There may be some spill over form the acrylic bin because I've got all those Bernat yarns from the knitting/crochet kits I got from No Frills.

I was thinking the other day that it's been a while since I last painted anything. But the problem is also due to the fact that I feel like I have nothing interesting to paint. I look at the most recent paintings that I did (back in autumn) and they all look like shit.

Perhaps I'm just in a rut. I'm not sure but at the present moment, I am not very productive at all.

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