
Cumbrian Snail Hat

Cumbrian Snail Hat
Originally uploaded by cast on cast off

This is such a cute hat. I think I might give it a try if I can locate myself a copy of the pattern.

I was talking to Tara today and she mentioned that her and Denise have been talking about starting an Etsy account. I've been telling them about Etsy since I started my own Etsy store. I absolutely love it!
Tara makes some very nice jewellery that I think will be a great hit at Etsy.

I'm also thinking that I might give my first sweater a go. I rather like the Kyoto pullover from knitty. I think I will give it a go as soon as I find the perfect cotton yarn.


Kris said...

You'll have to post if you can find a pattern for that hat. It's simply adorable! And I'm attempting my first sweater now as well, so I wish you luck when you get started on yours.

souvenir kattunge said...

Sure thing. Good luck with your sweater.