

Is an under statement. I have not done anything new since Fredrik left. Well, I suppose I cannot say that I have done absolutely nothing since Fredrik left. I have been taking care of Ull who has been a bit of a handful at times. There were a couple of Etsy orders I sent out in the past 2 weeks. But I have not made anything new.

There IS a drawing of Ull that I did as practice for something I'm planning on executing. I'm gonna give water colour another try. I know it's insane but what the hell.

Ull drawing

I've been sick with a cough that Fredrik gave me. Ull scratched my eye last Friday and I seem to be suffering worse "separation anxiety" than the last time Fredrik went on tour. I hope the days go by faster. I'm feeling so absolutely blah. All I want to do is hide under the covers and pray that tomorrow will come faster. But Ull makes sure that I'm not doing that, which is really good.

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